Frequently Asked Question

Create a Teams meeting
Last Updated 2 months ago

Microsoft teams gives us the ability to meet face to face with any number of peers and collaborate on documents in real time regardless of geography.  Teachers can get right into the classroom from across the island, or across the world.

Anyone in the SD50 organization can create a teams meeting and invite participants.  

To create your own teams meeting:

1) Open the Teams Application

2) Select the Calendar iCon on the left hand side and then tap the + iCon. 

an image of the iOS Microsoft Teams interface with red boxes around the Calendar, and Plus iCons.

3) Enter the meeting title.  eg.  Support with Ryan or Principals Meeting etc ... 

4) Add participants that you want to include in the meeting; they will receive a notification once you're done setting up this meeting.  If you would like to include one of our Teams Meeting rooms to use as a classroom for your meeting then enter the name of the site as listed below:

  • ALM Meeting
  • SNES Meeting
  • Port Meeting
  • GTN Meeting
  • Board Room ( District Office )

5) Select the start and end time for your meeting

6) Tap done and you're meeting is created.

an image of the iOS Microsoft Teams interface featuring the

To join your meeting at a later date:

1) Open the teams Application

2) Tap the Calendar on the Left

3) Select the meeting under todays Date

4) Tap Join

this is an image of the iOS Microsoft Teams interface with the calendar open, my meeting selected, and the meeting details. These 3 areas are outlined in a red box and reference inustructions 2, 3, and 4


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