Frequently Asked Question

Joining a Teams Meeting
Last Updated 3 years ago

School District #50 uses Microsoft Teams as our primary meeting and collaboration platform.  While you can download and install applications for Windows, Mac, iOS, iPadOS, and Android you don't need to as you can join just through a web session making this application extremely versatile.

This application will be pre-installed on all SD50 Hardware, if you do not have this software installed please open a support ticket so we can get it installed for you.  

Joining a teams meeting

To access a teams meeting you will need an invitation; this may be sent to you via email if you were directly invited or posted on our website in the case of public meetings such as Board Meetings.  Clicking on the link will bring you to a Microsoft website such as the one pictured here:


Unless you made a point to install the application (not required) you can just click on the middle option "Continue on this browser".

A new window will open up advising you that Teams would like to access your Camera and Microphone.  To participate you should allow Teams to access your camera and microphone.


Depending on your operating system you may be additionally prompted to provide permission for your camera and or microphone to be used by the application.  Please click allow.

Once you have set your permission preferences a new window will open.  In this window please enter your name, and then click Join now.


By sliding the buttons on or off you can enable or disable your microphone and or camera.  To join a public meeting you will need to be admitted by the host.  Once the host accepts your request you will automatically join the meeting.

Download and install Microsoft Teams

If you wish to download and install Microsoft Teams on your personal device please download and install only from the official Microsoft source linked below:


  • Keep your Microphone muted (off) unless you need to speak, this will keep down the background noise in the meeting
  • If your performance is very choppy or the audio is stuttery and poor try disabling your camera.  Many island internet connections can not sustain the demand video upload places on your connection.
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